Frequently Asked Questions

What does a building inspector do?
A Building inspector’s job is to give advice to an interested party regarding the condition of a particular house, unit, townhouse or farmhouse located on a particular property at the time of the inspection. The building that is being inspected will be compared to a building of similar age and type of construction which we imagine has been adequately maintained over its lifetime and is in a reasonable condition.
The building and pest inspection report we produce will identify any major or minor defects.

What is a major defect and what is a minor defect?
A major defect is a defect where rectification is required to avoid unsafe conditions, loss of utility or further deterioration to the property. A minor defect is any other defect other than a major defect.

What are some common major defects found during a building and pest inspection in South East Queensland?
Most significant house and unit defects I have found are associated with water leaks or water penetration. Whether that is from roof surfaces, gutters or downpipes, leaking internal plumbing, faulty waterproofing or poor site drainage. Water always has the potential to cause major damage to practically every building or structure in Queensland or Australia.

Should I get a building and pest inspection for a new house or near near house?
Yes definitely. Just because a house is nearly new doesn’t mean that it is immune to problems. It is good to catch any defects early before they can lead to major damage as time goes by.

Why should I get a building and pest inspection?
I like to think of a Building and Pest Inspection like an Insurance policy. Buying a house is one of the biggest financial commitments one can make. For a small outlay you can rest in the knowledge that an industry expect has crawled over all the accessible areas of your home to ensure you are not buying into a world of problems.

If I need a building and pest inspection done quickly, what is your average lead time?
Most of the time I am available with a couple of days notice. I can usually squeeze an inspection in somewhere if required urgently.
